Re: [vibration] Returning false if vibration hardware is not present?

> On 26 Jan 2016, at 02:47, Philip Rogers <> wrote:
> I've filed this as a bug against Chromium. If you'd like to follow along, star

Thanks -- you got one more star from me :-)

> It may make sense to explicitly call this usecase out in the spec. The ambiguous language makes this difficult to rely on.

Good idea.

Frederick - I guess we should add this informative clarification to the errata? However, there lies a practical issue that not everyone looks at errata. Could we also update the Editor's Draft to match, perhaps rename it to "Level 2" or such?

> Taking off my browser dev hat and putting on my web developer hat... On my site, given the current language of the spec, I have no option but to detect desktop browsers and show a warning for them. This doesn't work for devices like the Nexus 7 without vibration hardware, but it covers the common case since most mobile devices have vibration hardware.

Seems like a reasonable UX.

If the feature is considered progressive enhancement by web developers there should be no issue. For those use cases that have this feature on the critical path, should inform the user that the UX could compromised on devices that do not support the feature.



Received on Tuesday, 26 January 2016 08:18:39 UTC