shapes-ISSUE-159: [Editorial] Eliminate "scope class" from 2.1.n [SHACL Spec]

shapes-ISSUE-159: [Editorial] Eliminate "scope class" from 2.1.n [SHACL Spec]

Raised by: Karen Coyle
On product: SHACL Spec

I would like to clarify 2.1.3 and its subsections by eliminating the phrase "scope class". The current description in the introduction is:

2.1.3 (sentence 3)
"SHACL includes four built-in scope classes: sh:PropertyScope... etc."

The pattern for each subsections reads: Property scopes (sh:propertyScope)
"The scope class sh:PropertyScope selects all subjects that have at least one value for a given property sh:predicate."

I would suggest that we replace sentence 3 in 2.1.3 with:
"SHACL includes four subclasses of sh:Scope that define the core scope types:...."

And the pattern first statement for the subsections would be:

"The class sh:PropertyScope is the class of those subjects that have at least one value for a given property sh:predicate."

Reasons: this eliminates the vague phrase "scope class", and also does not ascribe agency to the subclasses (subclasses do not SELECT).  

Received on Sunday, 1 May 2016 00:27:29 UTC