WCAG-ISSUE-18 (DavidMacD): We should have a discussion about complex maps [HTML & ARIA Techniques TF]

WCAG-ISSUE-18 (DavidMacD): We should have a discussion about complex maps [HTML & ARIA Techniques TF]


Raised by: David MacDonald
On product: HTML & ARIA Techniques TF

We have a requirement to provide text for all non text content, including complex maps, but we've never to my knowledge given concrete advice about how that might be accomplished (or failed) for maps where there are thousands of points, in some cases with increased granularity with zoom. It feels like a bit of an elephant in the room.

I don't propose to have an answer, but we should probably address it. The question arises a lot.

We could begin the conversation with how to apply the requirement of "equivalent purpose" alt text in this case. I would like others thoughts on this.

Received on Monday, 19 May 2014 16:23:06 UTC