DAP-ISSUE-162: Compatibility with existing libraries may not offer suitable control [Network Service Discovery]

DAP-ISSUE-162: Compatibility with existing libraries may not offer suitable control [Network Service Discovery]


Raised by: Frederick Hirsch
On product: Network Service Discovery

On behalf of Youenn Fablet

See http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-device-apis/2014Apr/0022.html

3.       The prescriptive bindings to the low-level discovery protocols cannot always be ensured
If implementers start from scratch, the current bindings are very good and detailed.
If implementers start from existing libraries (avahi, gssdp e.g.), the exact control of the discovery process is not always guaranteed.
Having these sections as normative adds perceived complexity (particularly the SSDP binding) and may pose questions related to testing and conformance.

Received on Thursday, 15 May 2014 19:00:57 UTC