w3process-ISSUE-70 (Ch7-Eliminate-"Normative"): Usage of "normative" needs clarification [Document life cycle (ch 7)]

w3process-ISSUE-70 (Ch7-Eliminate-"Normative"): Usage of "normative" needs clarification [Document life cycle (ch 7)]


Raised by: Arthur Barstow
On product: Document life cycle (ch 7)

1. To facilitate the reach and accessibility of this document (especially for non-English speakers) I think the term `normative` - when not used as a qualifier for "reference" i.e. "normative reference" - should be eliminated (or if it really can't be eliminated then define it).


s/A W3C Recommendation is a specification or set of normative guidelines/A W3C Recommendation is a specification or set of informative guidelines/

s/some document that is not intended to be a normative specification/some document that is not intended to be a specification/

s/or non-normative 'Good Practices" documents/or informative 'Good Practices" documents/

s/non-normative good practices/informative good practices/

s/for making normative changes to a Recommendation/for making substantive changes to a Recommendation/

s/A correction becomes normative by the process described below./A correction becomes normative by the process described below./

(Perhaps it would be helpful to define "specification" (at least by example)?)

2. Define "normative reference" and point to the new policy.

Received on Wednesday, 27 November 2013 19:06:09 UTC