ISSUE-251 (metadata is not mixed content): Need to fix schemas to indicate that <metadata> does not permit #PCDATA. [TTML 1.0]

ISSUE-251 (metadata is not mixed content): Need to fix schemas to indicate that <metadata> does not permit #PCDATA. [TTML 1.0]

Raised by: Glenn Adams
On product: TTML 1.0

I have recently noticed that both XSD and RNC schemas incorrectly specify <metadata> as permitting #PCDATA content, not element only content. This is incorrect because the normative syntax representation in Section 12.1.1 specifies that only element content may appear.

It appears that this problem has existed at least since these files were first committed to the CVS repository in 2008.

Received on Tuesday, 4 June 2013 08:56:05 UTC