ldp-ISSUE-62 (siblings): Creating Sibling Containers [Linked Data Platform core]

ldp-ISSUE-62 (siblings): Creating Sibling Containers [Linked Data Platform core]


Raised by: Roger Menday
On product: Linked Data Platform core

Sibling containers share a common membershipSubject. For example, the Asset and Liability containers are siblings 'inside' a Networth resource. 

What happens if I want to record some new/other information about a Networth resource ? Then I need a way to create a new container. 

A simple solution might be to PUT a new sibling Container to some explicit address. Alternatively, as the LDPC siblings are form a container, POSTing to a networth could also do this sibling creation. This has the implication that every LDPR is an LDPC ...

see also http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-ldp-wg/2013Apr/0068.html for another example. 

Received on Monday, 29 April 2013 15:26:28 UTC