PROV-ISSUE-647 (TomDN): Make prov:pariValue a subproperty of prov:entity? [PROV-DICTIONARY]

PROV-ISSUE-647 (TomDN): Make prov:pariValue a subproperty of prov:entity? [PROV-DICTIONARY]

Raised by: Tom De Nies

Came up in an off-list conversation with Tim about the PROV-O of dictionaries. It appears to be useful to make prov:pairValue a subproperty of prov:entity. This way applications could use spec-level constructs to "accidentally" "understand" part of the "brand new construct".

Nice phrasing of the rationale by Tim:
"Having prov:pairValue is a very nice subproperty for these uninterested in the alignment with qualifications, but still provides those that do care about qualifications a treat."

I see no real problems with adding this for the next release. Is this acceptable to the group or did we miss some consequences?

Received on Thursday, 7 March 2013 11:25:28 UTC