ldp-ISSUE-28 (bertails): transaction/rollback when deleting resources from a LDPC [Linked Data Platform core]

ldp-ISSUE-28 (bertails): transaction/rollback when deleting resources from a LDPC [Linked Data Platform core]


Raised by: Alexandre Bertails
On product: Linked Data Platform core

The DELETE operations defined in 5.6.* have impacts on one or more resources. The specification does not define the behavior for when deleting one of the resources had failed during the transaction.

The spec must define a notion of transaction with a rollback mechanism in case of error. The general case would be: if something fails when deleting/modifying one the impacted resources, then the server returns an error (with a message explaining the error) and no resource is deleted. This should be captured in at least 5.6.1 and 5.6.2.

I'm not sure about the following case though: the "child" LDPR for a given LDPC may not be on the same server. It may be a bad idea to return an error if a distant resource couldn't be deleted.

Received on Friday, 2 November 2012 11:05:58 UTC