PROV-ISSUE-360 (SPARQL example for 5.1.3): SPARQL example for obtaining provenance information directly [Accessing and Querying Provenance]

PROV-ISSUE-360 (SPARQL example for 5.1.3): SPARQL example for obtaining provenance information directly [Accessing and Querying Provenance]

Raised by: Olaf Hartig
On product: Accessing and Querying Provenance

As the TODO in Sec.5.1.3 points out, the example query currently used in this section only retrieves the direct properties of the example resource. Assuming that most/some of the provenance-related information is not available via such a query (e.g. if the description uses the qualified relations pattern), we should use a different example that accesses a particular part of the provenance information (as proposed by by the TODO).

A simple, yet suitable example query would be:

    SELECT ?generationStartTime WHERE {
         <> prov:wasGeneratedBy ?activity .
         ?activity prov:startedAtTime ?generationStartTime .

Received on Friday, 20 April 2012 09:45:33 UTC