PROV-ISSUE-129 (YolandaGil): Definitions of "Activity"/"Event"/"ProcessExecution" should be more crisp and differentiable in Provenance Data Model (PROV-DM) Draft [Data Model]

PROV-ISSUE-129 (YolandaGil): Definitions of "Activity"/"Event"/"ProcessExecution" should be more crisp and differentiable in Provenance Data Model (PROV-DM) Draft [Data Model]

Raised by: Yolanda Gil
On product: Data Model

In Section 2.1, the distinction made between "activities" and "events" is very unclear.  They should be better differentiated, and more importantly they should be related to ProcessExecution which should also be better defined.  Examples should be given of all to illustrate the distinctions.

Received on Thursday, 20 October 2011 18:40:49 UTC