ISSUE-66 (Test case cleanup): Missing test for Protocol 2070, references to WSDLUsage assertions from various test cases [SOAP-JMS Test cases]

ISSUE-66 (Test case cleanup): Missing test for Protocol 2070, references to WSDLUsage assertions from various test cases [SOAP-JMS Test cases]

Raised by: Peter Easton
On product: SOAP-JMS Test cases

>From email:

2. We are missing a test for Protocol-2070

(topicReplyToName) if specified and if relevant, this MUST be used to derive the value to be used in the JMS header JMSReplyTo.

Recommendation: Create test case

3. All WSDL tests test0006 test0007 test0009 test0010 test0013 test0014 test0015 test0016 should reference WSDLUsage3003, WSDLUsage3004

Test cases:

Received on Monday, 15 November 2010 19:21:17 UTC