ISSUE-2358 (nested links): Resolve how nested links in referenced SVG are resolved [SVG 2]

ISSUE-2358 (nested links): Resolve how nested links in referenced SVG are resolved [SVG 2]

Raised by: Doug Schepers
On product: SVG 2

If an SVG document has one or more links, and is referenced from an HTML <object> or <img> which has a block-level link around it, which link is followed, the one in the HTML page, or the one in the SVG?

What if the links in the SVG are nested:
<a href="foo.svg">
  <circle r="20" />
  <a href="bar.svg">
    <circle r="10" />

My intuition is that in both cases, the most closely scoped (innermost) link should be followed.  Perhaps there should be a way to override an inner link, but I think that would be bad for security.

Received on Friday, 6 August 2010 18:48:33 UTC