ISSUE-46 (replyToName spurious assertion): replyToName has "SHOULD" assertion about where the message should be sent. [SOAP-JMS Binding specification]

ISSUE-46 (replyToName spurious assertion): replyToName has "SHOULD" assertion about where the message should be sent. [SOAP-JMS Binding specification]

Raised by: Eric Johnson
On product: SOAP-JMS Binding specification

>From email:

Section 2.2: soapjms:replyToName definition: "Specifies the name of the
destination to which a response message SHOULD  be sent".

 * Not flagged as normative
 * Redundant, as Protocol-2008 already indicates that it MUST be used to determine JMSReplyTo.


Change sentence in question to read: "Specifies the name of the destination to which a response message will be sent."

Received on Monday, 12 July 2010 23:34:52 UTC