Re: ISSUE-87: Turtle file - SHACL vs RDFS vs OWL, or all?

Hmm¡¦ I would think that any tool that can process RDF should be able to
load a valid RDF file.

SHACL requires more expressivity than what is possible with RDFS, so while
one could create RDFS vocabulary for SHACL, it would be missing a lot of

Irene Polikoff

On 11/2/15, 12:17 AM, "Karen Coyle" <> wrote:

>Well, I have to say that I have not been successful in loading
>SHACL.SHACL.ttl directly into tools such as Protege because they don't
>recognize SHACL - As Holger says, SHACL.SHACL is SHACL defined in SHACL.
>Yes, it's RDF, but note what he says below:
> >>> Many properties such as sh:minCount are reused in multiple places,
> >>> makes pure rdfs:range statements insufficient to express them. These
> >>> would either require owl:unionOf classes or owl:Restrictions.
>Since those properties are not defined using owl, then there isn't an
>OWL or RDFS way to use them. I'd be happy to be proven wrong, but AFAIK
>you need SHACL understanding to make use of SHACL.SHACL. If that isn't a
>SHACL engine, then let's call it something else. It's a bit like Java
>being written in Java -- you need a Java compiler to make use of it. I
>suppose you could say that SHACL requires a "SHACL compiler". It is NOT
>written in RDFS or OWL, which is what many of today's tools use. Unless
>W3C will provide the "SHACL compiler" then I see this as an impediment
>to adoption.
>On 11/1/15 6:55 PM, Irene Polikoff wrote:
>> <can we at least agree that it would be useful to create a
>> vocabulary that does not require a SHACL engine>
>> But isn©öt this already the case? SHACL vocabulary doesn©öt require
>> anything. Well, except may be RDF processor because it is in RDF.
>> It would be the other way around. SHACL engine requires a vocabulary in
>> order to understand and process SHACL constraints.
>> Irene Polikoff
>> On 11/1/15, 10:31 PM, "Karen Coyle" <> wrote:
>>> Holger, without getting into details (because those will need to be
>>> worked out), can we at least agree that it would be useful to create a
>>> vocabulary that does not require a SHACL engine and that covers, at
>>> least initially, only the core SHACL properties and classes?
>>> On 11/1/15 3:47 PM, Holger Knublauch wrote:
>>>> On 11/1/2015 0:46, Karen Coyle wrote:
>>>>> Holger, I think the question is a different one -- it's not whether
>>>>> use RDFS or OWL, but what we want to express, and who the audience
>>>>> The turtle file that we have today implements SHACL as a validation
>>>>> language. I would like to see a file that serves creators of SHACL
>>>>> documents. We do have these two "halves" of SHACL -- the description
>>>>> of desired validation, and the validation itself. While the two can
>>>>> combined in a single software implementation, they shouldn't HAVE to
>>>>> be combined. I think of this as something like the difference between
>>>>> HTML as a language and the rendering that takes place in browsers.
>>>>> person creating the HTML document has a different view from the
>>>>> software rendering the document.
>>>>> A vocabulary for SHACL document creation would not need any abstract
>>>>> classes.
>>>> A role of the abstract classes is to group properties together. While
>>>> would be possible to attach every property to, say,
>>>> sh:PropertyConstraint
>>>> sh:PropertyConstraint
>>>>       can have sh:minCount
>>>>       can have sh:maxCount
>>>>       can have sh:datatype
>>>>       ...
>>>> such a flattening would lose some information, e.g. that sh:pattern
>>>> sh:flags belong together (with sh:flags being optional), and
>>>> sh:qualifiedMinCount must always co-exist with sh:qualifiedValueShape.
>>>> The abstract classes furthermore provide focused documentation about
>>>> these combinations, contain the produced error messages and even the
>>>> SPARQL queries - at some stage we decided that SHACL should be
>>>> in SPARQL as much as possible. This info is still useful even for
>>>> readers of the data model.
>>>>> I don't know enough about templates to know how such a vocabulary
>>>>> could address named templates, so perhaps it is best that we focus
>>>>> first only on the defined core. Whether RDFS is sufficient or whether
>>>>> OWL functionality is needed will come out as the vocabulary is
>>>>> developed. It looks to me like most of the properties are fairly
>>>>> simple, and ranges are defined in the SHACL document.
>>>> Many properties such as sh:minCount are reused in multiple places,
>>>> makes pure rdfs:range statements insufficient to express them. These
>>>> would either require owl:unionOf classes or owl:Restrictions.
>>> That's fine, although perhaps this will be an opportunity to look
>>> further into simplifying. Either way, let's keep an open mind and see
>>> what we can do.
>>>>> In a sense, this becomes a test of the core vocabulary - whether it
>>>>> can be expressed as a standard vocabulary, and if not, is that a bug
>>>>> or a feature of SHACL?
>>>> Yes, there is value in trying to model SHACL in OWL, e.g. to help OWL
>>>> tools and users. There is also value in modeling SHACL in SHACL, e.g.
>>>> help SHACL tools and users.
>>> Right. As I said, I see two sets of audiences, and therefore I assume
>>> that both will be needed. At the moment, we only have SHACL.SHACL,
>>> unless there is another version somewhere that I haven't run into.
>>> kc
>>> --
>>> Karen Coyle
>>> m: 1-510-435-8234
>>> skype: kcoylenet/+1-510-984-3600
>Karen Coyle
>m: 1-510-435-8234
>skype: kcoylenet/+1-510-984-3600

Received on Monday, 2 November 2015 04:39:37 UTC