Survey for application developers: booking use cases and requirements


As mentioned in today's community group call I've put together a short
survey to help us gather booking use cases and requirements from
application developers.

This survey is intended for application developers who are currently
building (or are planning to build) mobile and web applications that will
allow people to discover and then participate in events.

By completing this survey you are providing us with insight into your
specific needs and requirements. By analysing the results of this survey we
will be able to prioritise and focus our work.

Some information that you provide here will be published and shared with
the community. Some of it will only be presented as summary information.
Where we plan to publish detailed answers, we have indicated that in the
question description.

If you're unable to complete the survey or want to provide from the
perspective of a platform operator, then feel free to reply to this email
or contact us at



Leigh Dodds, Data Infrastructure Programme Lead,
The ODI, 65 Clifton Street, London EC2A 4JE

Received on Wednesday, 13 December 2017 15:24:29 UTC