Re: WAI_PFWG Approves Longdesc FPWD

As longdesc is meant to be exposed to all users and is meant to
function like a link, perhaps following points need to be clarified:

i. How should user agents  convey that the image has a longdesc attribute
ii. Does it appear like a link and is it distinguished from other
hyperlinks on the page in any way?
iii. The image will not be tab-navigable but the 'link' associated
with the image via longdesc will be tab-navigable and
keyboard-operable, right?
iv. What happens when tabindex attribute is used on focusable elements
on the page? Should the image with the longdesc also have a tabindex

Sailesh Panchang
Tel 703-225-0380 ext 105

 keyboard user may not be

Received on Monday, 4 March 2013 20:00:29 UTC