Re: lvtf-ACTION-78: User settings research...

Survey of Contrast Research

Arditi and Faye [2004] performed the latest research on the decreasing
relationship between font size and the level of contrast. Rubin and Legge
(1989) demonstrated the need for a higher contrast threshold for people
with low vision (reduced visual acuity). The discussion of contrast in
Understanding SC. 1.4.3 is extremely good, except that the relationship is
not as linear as implied by the presentation. Still Ariditi and Faye
established that as size goes up the contrast threshold goes down. The
reference to font-size guidelines from the American Printing House for the
Blind were developed in a context of print material.  It is less relevant
in an era of digital documents. Arditi,
Arditi, A. and Faye, E. (2004). Monocular and binocular letter contrast
sensitivity and letter acuity in a diverse ophthalmologic practice.
Supplement to Optometry and Vision Science, 81 (12S), 287.

Rubin GS1, Legge GE., Psychophysics of reading. VI--The role of contrast in
low vision.,  Vision Research, 1989; 29(1):79-91.

APH Guidelines for Print Document Design,

Note: Do we need more surveys?

On Thu, Aug 25, 2016 at 8:58 AM, Low Vision Accessibility Task Force Issue
Tracker <> wrote:

> lvtf-ACTION-78: User settings research...
> Assigned to: Wayne Dick

Received on Monday, 5 September 2016 18:58:23 UTC