Re: Starting planning for TAG 17 May teleconference

On Mon, May 14, 2012 at 3:55 PM, Noah Mendelsohn <> wrote:
> I'm starting the usual information gathering for the Thursday agenda, but
> the record is a little more scattered than usual, so I'd appreciate input on
> anything I'm missing. The two bits that are most obvious to include are:
> * ACTION-690 pending review sort next steps on Fragment Identifiers and Mime
> Types      Jeni Tennison
> * I also want to do a bit of brainstorming about the F2F agenda.
> On the MAYBE list for this Thursday:
> * ACTION-697 pending review prepare overview of DANE for TAG consideration
>    Larry Masinter
> but the comments indicate that we are awaiting efforts by Larry to line up
> some outside experts to join us, so I assume that's not on for this week?
> * A note from Ashok [1] says, somewhat cryptically:
> "There are no minutes from today's [I.e. the 10 May informal] call although
> we did come to some rather startling conclusions :-)"
> Anything we should discuss on Thursday.
> * He also mentions IETF work on Privacy:
> "Here is a link to the Privacy document from IETF that we spoke
> briefly on today's informal call.
> Would you like me to schedule discussion?
> * Jonathan: is now the time for more discussion of ISSUE-57/httpRange-14?

No. I will let you know.  Jonathan

> * Anything else?
> Thank you.
> Noah
> [1]

Received on Monday, 14 May 2012 20:01:53 UTC