Re: crypto-ISSUE-21: Requiring Content-Security-Policy [Web Cryptography API]

On Mon, Aug 27, 2012 at 1:09 PM, Zooko Wilcox-OHearn
<> wrote:
> Folks:
> I'm not sure, but I *think* requiring CSP might break some of my uses
> cases. If you're going to go ahead with this notion of requiring CSP,
> then I'll have to read and think about it more and try to figure out
> if this would be a problem for me, and if it would then I'll have to
> try to explain why.
> But, if you'll just leave it out of the spec, then I won't have to do
> that, and likewise all the implementers and users of the spec will
> also have one less thing to think about. :-)
> Okay, so I just ordered a copy of Zalewski's "The Tangled Web" ¹ to
> help me understand this stuff better.
> But, please, as a favor to over-worked and under-educated people like
> myself, could we omit things that don't have a really compelling "WE
> MUST HAVE THIS NOW!" flavor to them?
> Thanks.
> Regards,
> Zooko
> ¹


It'd be great to know what some of the use cases are that you'd be
concerned about, so that we could also give them a think over and see
how CSP may negatively affect them. If you could share, that'd be

As written, it's currently not in the spec - this was about starting
the discussion, which has previously been referred to off-hand in past
e-mails going back to chartering.

Received on Friday, 31 August 2012 19:27:55 UTC