ISSUE-87: Shall we publish RDF files for the SHACL namespace?

I propose the following:

1. We should publish two normative files: shacl-vocab.ttl and shacl-shacl.ttl

2. shacl-vocab.ttl should be a simple RDFS vocabulary that does not
contain any shape information. It should be readable by anyone
knowledgeable in RDFS, but not SHACL

3. shacl-shacl.ttl should use SHACL to define the shape of valid SHACL documents

4. both files should also be automatically transformed to HTML, e.g.
as in [3]. There exists XSLT for transforming RDFS vocabularies
[4].This transform could be reimplemented in Javascript and integrated
with ReSpec. A similar transform could be developed for SHACL

5. W3C should host these files and support Turtle/HTML content
negotiation as per [1] and [2].


-- Arthur

Received on Thursday, 12 November 2015 04:04:43 UTC