Re: Previous-sibling combinator

2012/1/27 Marat Tanalin | <>:
> 28.01.2012, 03:08, "Tab Atkins Jr." <>:
>> On Fri, Jan 27, 2012 at 3:05 PM, Marat Tanalin |
>> <> wrote:
>>>  Hello.
>>>  It would be nice to have combinator to select previous sibling.
>>>     P - UL {
>>>         /* Styles for UL element which is
>>>            previous sibling of P element. */
>>>     }
>>>  The "-" combinator is functionally similar to existing "+" combinator, but selects previous-sibling element instead of next-sibling one.
>>>  So in result we would have "+" to move forward, and "-" to move backward (like element.nextSibling and element.previousSibling in DOM, respectively).
>> This is already possible with Selectors 4, using the normal sibling
>> combinator and the subject indicator:
>> !ul + p { ... }
>> ~TJ
> And how would you write following selector using subject indicator?
>    P - UL > LI {...}

Using the future extension to :matches() to allow complex selectors:

:matches(!ul + p) > li {...}

Or, if I get my way, with :has():

ul:has(+p) > li {...}


Received on Friday, 27 January 2012 23:35:29 UTC