Re: feedback sought on ISSUE-529, ISSUE-524, ISSUE5-519, ISSUE-523

I am happy with the responses made to answer the three issues.

Thanks, khalid

On 9 October 2012 12:02, Luc Moreau <> wrote:
> Dear all,
> I drafted a response to ISSUE-529, ISSUE-524, ISSUE5-519, ISSUE-523.
> It can be found at
> and is copied below for information.
> Feedback welcome!
> Cheers,
> Luc
> --
> Professor Luc Moreau
> Electronics and Computer Science   tel:   +44 23 8059 4487
> University of Southampton          fax:   +44 23 8059 2865
> Southampton SO17 1BJ               email:
> United Kingdom           
> PROV-DM issues involving inheritance
> [edit]ISSUE-529 (Empty Collection)
> Original email:
> Tracker:
> Group Response:
> In an open world context, absence of the relation hadMember(c,e) does not
> imply that a collection c is empty. Hence, the group introduced a class
> EmptyCollection to indicate when a collection is empty.
> Figure 11, like UML diagrams, is informative. It shows that Collection and
> EmptyCollection are linked with Entity, by means of a Generalization
> association. Therefore, a Collection and EmptyCollection are also entities
> with an id and attributes.
> Concretely, prov-dm (prov-n) sees all the sub-types (e.g.
> prov:type='prov:Collection' ) as type information is expressed by the
> prov:type attribute.
> The handling of these subtypes is consistent with other subtypes in the
> model, e.g. revision, softwareAgent, etc
> Prov-dm, as a conceptual model, leaves the implementation of these inherited
> types to concrete serializations.
> References:
> Implemented changes:
> Changed the text to indicate that PROV defines no collection specific
> attributes.
> Original author's acknowledgement:
> [edit]ISSUE-524 (Bundle/Collection)
> Original email:
> Tracker:
> Group Response:
> The group has already addressed ISSUE-504, explaining that Bundles are not
> Collections.
> References:
> ISSUE-504:
> References:
> Proposed changes:
> Changed the text to indicate that PROV defines no collection/bundle specific
> attributes.
> Original author's acknowledgement:
> [edit]ISSUE-519 and ISSUE-523 (Influence Inheritance)
> Original email:
> Original email:
> Tracker:
> Tracker:
> Group Response:
> First, a reminder that UML diagrams are informative.
> The prov-constraints document provides normative information about
> Influence. See Inference 15.
> For instance, the following inference is permitted, allowing to infer a
> wasInfluencedBy statement from a wasGeneratedBy statement.
> IF wasGeneratedBy(id; e,a,_t,attrs) THEN wasInfluencedBy(id; e, a, attrs).
> Whatever appears as id/attributes in wasGeneratedBy becomes also
> id/attributes in wasInfluencedBy
> Whatever appears as entity (e) in wasGeneratedBy becomes influencee in
> wasInfluencedBy
> Whatever appears as activity (a) in wasGeneratedBy becomes influencer in
> wasInfluencedBy
> Given this, prov-dm should define the minimalist characteristics for
> wasInfluencedBy in a technology agnostic way.
> Inheritance is a way of implementing Inference 15 of prov-constraints (and
> this approach was successfully followed by prov-o), but it does not have to
> be implemented that way. For instance, a rule based system could simply
> implement Inference 15 without requiring inheritance. The current prov-xml
> schema does not define WasGeneratedBy as an extension if Influence. A record
> based system may not rely on inheritance.
> As the author suggests, inheritance would imply that attributes are
> inherited by the children relation. It is not the case that wasGeneratedBy
> has influencer/influencee attributes, but instead, we want to show that they
> correspond to activity/entity in that case.
> Given this, the document should be changed as follows:
> The UML diagram in Figure 8 should not show a Generalization association
> between WasGeneratedBy (and others) and WasInfluencedBy.
> A table should be introduced showing which attributes in
> Generation/Usage/etc are influencer or influencee.
> With these changes, the issue raised by the author is no longer applicable:
> it is no longer the case that wasGeneratedBy etc can be used anywhere
> between agent/activity/entity.
> For the comment "The notion of influence is useful for the PROV model, but
> it is unclear whether this is intended to represent an extension point for
> adopters of the spec. How should it be implemented?", we have shown with
> prov-o, prov-n, and prov-xml various ways of implementing Influence.
> According to Section 6, Influence is not seen as an extensibility point of
> the model, instead, it is seen as a means to express influence in PROV
> without being specific about its nature. We note the following, quoted from
> the specification:
> It is recommended to adopt these more specific relations when writing
> provenance descriptions. It is anticipated that the Influence relation may
> be useful to express queries over provenance information.
> References:
> Inference 15:
> Current xml schema:
> Extensibility section:
> Implemented changes:
> Changed figure 8, removing Generalization relation between
> WasGeneratedBy,etc and WasInfluencedBy
> Added table 7.
> Original author's acknowledgement:
> [edit]

Received on Tuesday, 23 October 2012 08:37:33 UTC