Making ARIA and native HTML play better together

On another thread recent thread, leonie and chaals [3] talked about adding
behaviours to ARIA. Here are a few ideas:

1. When a role is used that matches the default implicit semantics of
labelable HTML elements [1] use of the label element will result in the
same behaviour as the native element and a <label>.

<span role="checkbox" id="customcheck"></span> <label for="customcheck">i
like this idea</label>

User able to click on label to check/uncheck

2. roles that match the default implicit semantics of interactive elements
are focusable (without need to explicitly set tabindex)

<div role="button">press me</div>

will be included in the focus order.

3. roles that match the default implicit semantics of interactive elements
[2] inherit the interaction behaviour of the native elements

<div role=button>press me</div>
can be activated the same way a html <button> element can be:.
via space, enter ,click , touch or whatever.

Why? reduce manual labour of web devs. provide more consistent cross
browser behaviours for custom UI. Make custom UI more robust out of the box.

Review at your leisure, respond at will.



HTML 5.1 <>

Received on Thursday, 7 May 2015 05:43:14 UTC