Minutes: Low Vision Task Force Telecon 20 April 2016

source: https://www.w3.org/2016/04/20-lvtf-minutes.html
Low Vision Accessibility Task Force Teleconference 20 Apr 2016

See also: IRC log <http://www.w3.org/2016/04/20-lvtf-irc>
Presentallanj, jeanne, Wayne, Laura, AWK, JohnRRegretsErich, JonA, scott,
alanChairJim and AndrewScribejeanne, jim, allanj

   - Topics <https://www.w3.org/2016/04/20-lvtf-minutes.html#agenda>
      1. Issue 49 2.1 Scope - cognitive disabilities
      2. Issue 49 2.1 Scope
      3. Issue 50 Italics, bold, underline - how to expand 3.5.1 to cover
      links, em, strong, span, etc.
      4. Issue 50 Italics, bold, underline
      5. Issue 54 grid lines, field borders, etc.
      6. Issue 50 Italics, bold, underline - how to expand 3.5.1 to cover
      links, em, strong, span, etc.
      7. 3.3.3 Explanatory text
      8. Issue 54 grid lines, field borders, etc.
   - Summary of Action Items
   - Summary of Resolutions


<laura> https://www.w3.org/WAI/GL/wiki/Scribe_List

<jeanne> scribe: jeanne

<laura> https://www.w3.org/WAI/GL/low-vision-a11y-tf/wiki/Scribe_List
Issue 49 2.1 Scope - cognitive disabilities Issue 49 2.1 Scope

<allanj> https://github.com/w3c/low-vision-a11y-tf/pull/49

JA: Andrew Arch wrote a paragraph to add in

<allanj> "In considering the needs of users with low vision, it includes
several issues that overlap with the needs of some people with some
cognitive disabilities [@@ such as some forms of dyslexia and learning

JA: Laura said if we call out the needs of people with dyslexia and
learning difficulties, we should identify them, but we could add a link to
the CoGo document.
... Any objections to adding that phrase and referencing a COGA document.

s/COGA document. /COGA document?

AWK: I had a conversation about that issue. The task forces need to
identify where there is a overlap in addition to WCAG looking for overlap.
... we want to know which of our new success criteria are shared in one way
or another.

JR: The only COGA document that references low vision is aging and dementia.

<JohnRochford> Low vision referenced in

WD: The most relevent would be the intersection with Legibility.

JS: Aren't we just looking for definitions of dyslexia and learning
difficulties? We could link to the most basic document that covers those

<JohnRochford> Dyslexia definition in


<JohnRochford> https://w3c.github.io/wcag/coga/gap-analysis.html

*RESOLUTION: Add clause specifiying dyslexia and learning difficulties and
link to the definition in Coga Gap Analysis.*
Issue 50 Italics, bold, underline - how to expand 3.5.1 to cover links, em,
strong, span, etc. Issue 50 Italics, bold, underline

<allanj> https://github.com/w3c/low-vision-a11y-tf/issues/50

AWK: I think we should not link to the definition of dyslexia. We want
people to stay in our document.

JA: Someone commented that we did not have enough references.

WD: I can do a lot of the library work to put in references.

JA: Let's hold off until we get to that comment. I don't want you to do
work that we aren't going to use.

WD: It's well within the mainstream of research.

JS: We can put it in with an editor note. If they aren't ready before we
are, we can pull the link. Otherwise, we will need the editor note anyway
to be able to update the link to the TR version.

JA: This has to do with 3.3.3 and 3.5.1. Shawn suggested we expand 3.5.1 to
include bold and italics.


JA: Before the call, I merged them and suggested a change to the last

<allanj> 3.5.1 Element-level Customization

<allanj> Some people change the way certain elements are displayed to make
it easier to distinguish types of text, such as headings. When markup is
used according to specification, it provides semantic meaning. This in turn
helps a person set a customized visual presentation for headings and links,
as well as, other elements. If all text is increased proportionally,
headings can become very large and...

<allanj> ...bigger than people need to read the main body text. Some people
prefer for headings to be the same size as paragraph text. They use styling
such as font, color, and indentation to distinguish heading levels and
other semantics.

<allanj> Some people change the way certain elements are displayed to make
it easier to distinguish types of text, such as headings. When markup is
used according to specification, it provides semantic meaning. This in turn
helps a person set a customized visual presentation for headings and links,
as well as <strong>, <em>, <cite>, and other elements. If all text is
increased proportionally,...

<allanj> ...headings can become very large and bigger than people need to
read the main body text. Some people prefer for headings to be the same
size as paragraph text. They use styling such as font, color, and
indentation to distinguish heading levels and other semantics.

WD: We need to be able to take off italics where it is unnecessary. It is
very difficult to read text that is all in italics.

JA: Good point. Let's finish 3.5.1 and then address that in 3.3.3

<Wayne> +1

<laura> +1

<JohnRochford> +1

*RESOLUTION: Accept the wording above for 3.5.1.*
Issue 54 grid lines, field borders, etc.

<allanj> https://github.com/w3c/low-vision-a11y-tf/issues/54
Issue 50 Italics, bold, underline - how to expand 3.5.1 to cover links, em,
strong, span, etc. 3.3.3 Explanatory text

<allanj> 3.3.3 Style

<allanj> For some people, it is difficult to read blocks of text [link to
def] that is all italicized or underlined. For some people, bold text is
easier to read. (This applies to blocks of text, not individual words or

<allanj> User Need - Style: Users can change the text style (underline,
italic, bold) of blocks of text.

JA: The user need didn't change, but the explanatory text did.
... the definition would come from WCAG

JR: Is this blocks of text or the entire document?
... we are explaining what we mean by bold text, and we say that it applies
to blocks of text.
... we are saying that people may want to bold the block or turn it off.
... that is another overlap with COGA -- some people with dyslexia find
italics very hard to read.

JA: Take out the parenthesises, but not the content.

WD: Some people prefer bold text or a different font that is easier to read.

JS: Isn't this covered elsewhere?

WD: But it is needed in this area because it allows you to make the
italicized text a different font that can be discriminated as different
from the main font.

<allanj> For some people, it is difficult to read blocks of text [link to
def] that is all italicized or underlined. For some people, substituting
bold text or a different font for italics is easier to read. This applies
to blocks of text, not individual words or phrases.

<JohnRochford> +1


<laura> +1

<Wayne> +1

*RESOLUTION: Reword explanatory text for 3.3.3 to add: For some people, it
is difficult to read blocks of text [link to def] that is all italicized or
underlined. For some people, substituting bold text or a different font for
italics is easier to read. This applies to blocks of text, not individual
words or phrases.*
Issue 54 grid lines, field borders, etc.

<JohnRochford> I have to go at 11:25

<allanj> https://github.com/w3c/low-vision-a11y-tf/issues/54

JA: Comment that 4.5:1 Contrast ratio should apply to borders and grids.
... I listed all the HTML and CSS elements that it applied to.

WD: Could we put "borders used to indicate focus"?

AWK: WCAG 1.4.3 applies to text and images of text. This wouldn't apply to
borders and grid lines.


<allanj> scribe: jim

<allanj> scribe: allanj

3.4.5 only applies to borders around blocks of text.

should we make 3.4.5 apply to form controls, tables, grids, etc.

WD: +1

awk: 3.4 is about spacing, not sure we want to add coloring and size of

ja: since 3.2.1 is about text contrast, and aligns with wcag. should we
create a separate user need.

lc: a separate user need would be useful

ja: leaning toward separate need.

awk: there is a gap. there is a need.

wd: can change styles on form controls, but can't change radio button and

ja: what to call the section

<scribe> *ACTION:* Wayne to write User Need on "Non-text contrast" - [can
change the name, border, grids, etc] [recorded in

<trackbot> Created ACTION-51 - Write user need on "non-text contrast" -
[can change the name, border, grids, etc] [on Wayne Dick - due 2016-04-27].
Summary of Action Items *[NEW]* *ACTION:* Wayne to write User Need on
"Non-text contrast" - [can change the name, border, grids, etc] [recorded
in http://www.w3.org/2016/04/20-lvtf-minutes.html#action01]

Summary of Resolutions

   1. Add clause specifiying dyslexia and learning difficulties and link to
   the definition in Coga Gap Analysis.
   2. Accept the wording above for 3.5.1.
   3. Reword explanatory text for 3.3.3 to add: For some people, it is
   difficult to read blocks of text [link to def] that is all italicized or
   underlined. For some people, substituting bold text or a different font for
   italics is easier to read. This applies to blocks of text, not individual
   words or phrases.

[End of minutes]

Jim Allan, Accessibility Coordinator
Texas School for the Blind and Visually Impaired
1100 W. 45th St., Austin, Texas 78756
voice 512.206.9315    fax: 512.206.9264  http://www.tsbvi.edu/
"We shape our tools and thereafter our tools shape us." McLuhan, 1964

Received on Tuesday, 26 April 2016 16:05:08 UTC