RE: [XBL] Namespace prefixes in Selectors


From: "Simon Pieters" <>
>In XBL namespace prefixes in Selectors are declared with the xmlns:foo="" 
>>In XBL attributes that take selectors, the namespace prefixes that may be 
>>are the prefixes that are in scope using the xmlns:* syntax.
>I feel uncomfortable about this. The XML namespace prefix is just syntactic 
>sugar to bind a namespace name to an element or an attribute. The 
>application might not even know about the prefixes, if it is using another 
>model than the DOM. Also, XML documents might be namespace prefix 
>rewritten, which shouldn't change the semantics of the document.

Reading further in the spec I find that the QNames in attribute values issue 
is also present with the special values xbl:text and xbl:lang. I feel 
uncomfortable about those, too, for the same reasons.

Simon Pieters

Received on Wednesday, 13 September 2006 23:16:12 UTC