Re: Arrested - re: TAG ISSUE-25 deep linking

> gets taken down.  To support what you say, the counterexample we need
> is exactly what you state above - a site that does (or did) nothing
> more than link, using <a>, similar to the bicycling site that Henry
> mentions. Then we'll have a very clear situation to respond to,
> without the confounding considerations raised by the
> transclusion/far-reference distinction.

Well, I don't think they're entirely confounding. As I point out in my
email to David, I think the embed question is of crucial architectural

It's difficult to check which sites merely linked, because the sites
are now seized, but the closest I've been able to find in a couple
minutes searching is whose domain name was seized by the same team that

Received on Friday, 11 March 2011 17:15:24 UTC