API for matrix manipulation


Given that a number of API are being developed that require complex
matricial calculations (transforms, device orientation, web gl), I
would suggest that perhaps an API with a big number of common
calculations could be made available ? And a proper way to represent
them. Perhaps, the best way to add this would be to extend the Math
object with things like.

Math.mAdd(m1, m2)
Math.mSub(m1, m2)
Math.mMult(m1, m2)
Math.mDiv(m1, m2)

Being the matrix an array like object like (could even be one of those
fast arrays like ArrayBuffer).

# {
#  w: <width>,
#  h: <height>,
#  length: <width * heigth>
#  0: ...,
#  1: ...,
#  2: ...
#  (...)
# }

Comments or is something already being worked on ?

Thank you.

Received on Monday, 14 March 2011 14:57:43 UTC