June Change Proposal, definitions of collect/retain


"A party collects data if it receives the data and shares the data with other parties or stores the data for more than a transient period.

A party retains data if data remains within a party's control beyond the scope of the current network interaction."

1) 'Transient period' is undefined.

2) The distinction between 'collect' and 'retain' seems blurred.

3) It's not clear what 'share' has to do with 'retain'.

4) We don't link the definitions to 'tracking'.


(soft proposal, I think this needs working on by lawyers)

Replace with

"A party collects or retains data if it receives the data and keeps it after the network interaction in which it occurred is complete"

David Singer
Multimedia and Software Standards, Apple Inc.

Received on Thursday, 20 June 2013 22:11:48 UTC