Re: WHATWG IRC discussion about GRDDL and head/@profile (ISSUE-55)

(Moving my comments to public-html-wg-issue-tracking)


For what it is worth, I did put a pointer to that #whatwg IRC
discussion directly in the notes on ISSUE-55 on Saturday. I also
bookmarked it on delicious with an html5 tag in hopes of hitting the
right channels.

As you know these discussions happen organically... I think a couple
of attempts were made on public-html to get people thinking about
@profile (specifically from Dan Connolly) but no one took the bait. So
while the discussion on @profile was squirreled away at #whatwg...
there are enough eyeballs from this working group on that channel that
I didn't think it would go without mention for long. I was just happy
to see someone think about the issue, regardless of it being in the
proper w3 sanctioned forum.

Thanks for bringing it up though, I'm curious to see what others in
the WG think. The resulting discussion at #whatwg just left me wanting
to know more. Tom Morris kept mentioning edge use cases that _needed_
@profile but then I never saw any references to material in the wild
that I could study to understand _why_. With that said -- Tom kept a
open mind throughout the discussion... going so far as to suggest that
GRDDL would be willing to move closer to HTML 5 if that's what it
took. I don't know Tom's relationship to GRDDL other than he appeared
to be implementer... excuse my ignorance. The only people I follow who
actually talk about using GRDDL are DanC and Sean B. Palmer.

I'd like to see a list of proposals (with pros/cons) for @profile ...
from various suggestions for keeping it... all the way to completely
removing it. Maybe I'll take that on... if someone with a bit of
knowledge on GRDDL wants to point me in the right direction.


Received on Tuesday, 29 July 2008 04:50:40 UTC