Re: DELETE leaving a lock-null resource; was LOCK Scenarios

  <es/> So a server could just remember lock tokens together with
   old and new URLs and keep this data until it is accessed by the locker
   or the lock expires.

  <ejw> I'm not convinced this will work, since it only handles the case
  where the resource is moved just once.  What happens if a resource is
  locked, then moved, and moved again?  How many steps is the server
  required to remember?

  Subsequent MOVE's are not relevant.  The server is responsible for
  retrieving the same resource whenever the client gives it a URL
  and a lock token (think of it as a private binding that the server
  keeps around).

Geoff, I think Jim's point was that the same lock could have been rooted at many
places over the course of time as it has moved.  In fact due to multiple
bindings and such... we've added even one more multiplier to the size of the
list that needs to be maintained.  His question though was how long does the
server need to maintain it.  I guess the server/lock would need to remember all
of it's URI's until the resource is eventually UNLOCK'd.

  The server could do this by just refusing to MOVE
  or DELETE the resource (as is required by the current 2518 draft),
  or by just remembering what resource is associated with that
  <URL, lock-token> pair.  All we are doing here is giving the server
  some additional flexibility in implementation that was constrained
  by the current language in 2518.

I see.  So the proposal is that a server either to protect the URI... or to
maintain a way for a client to follow where it moved to... and you're proposing
the mechanism to do the latter.  Interesting.  It could be a market
differentiator.  It would mean a bit more complexity for the client to support
either type of server though.  Not much though.  I think if the client supported
what you're proposing, they'd also work with a system that does URI protection.
They'd just wouldn't execute the code that deals with what happens after a

Also note: in the presence of depth locks... zillions of resources can be
locked.  I don't think this necessarily increases the size of the list of lock
URI's maintained since I believe only the URI's of the root of the lock need to
be maintained... but it does mean that the resolution algorithm has to be more
sophisticated since it would also need to remap the URI of child resources also.

This means that a client must submit lock tokens with GETs and PROPFIND's just
to insure it gets redirected when necessary.  No biggie I suppose.

I'm not sure this would work well with clients that seperate the lock action
from subsequent actions on the locked resources.  That is, a human is running
the client code.  The human requests the locks.  Then a human requests various
actions on resources that "just happen to be locked".  I guess that whenever the
human requests an action on a resource, the client application would just need
to make a point of finding all locks that apply to a resource... even if
inherited... and submit them with the request.  I guess this sort of client app
often would have to do this anyway, but now they must also do it for PROPFIND
and GET also.  Okay, no biggie.

It also means that I believe for the first time in WebDAV, it actually becomes
functionally important to specify the URI at which we think a lock is rooted
when we submit the lock token.

Note: all of this also needs to apply to DELETE (UNBIND) in addition to MOVE.
It also in turn applies to a COPY that deletes the destination due to the
implicit DELETE phase.  It also applies to a BIND that deletes a previous

   Note: if a lock-token is included in a MOVE or DELETE request, it is
   used to satisfy any locks on the source and destination *collections*.
   Locks on the resource being moved or deleted are not even inspected
   (since the state of the resource being moved or deleted is not being

I don't think this is what you were trying to say, but what you just said
inspired a thought.  If someone does a MOVE... and all the tokens of all the
would-be protected URI's are submitted, the server doesn't need to maintain a
remapping list because the client already knows which locks have lost those
mappings.  It's only the URI's for locks for which no tokens were submitted that
the server needs to remember the remapping.  This might provide for more
efficient operation.

A lock can have many mappings and a single operation can delete multiple
mappings of a lock. Previously we said that each lock had a particular URI that
was protected... and only when that URI was moved, did feel compelled to do any
kind of lock remapping.  Although we could probably guess, t now claim to know
what lock mapping(s) the client really cares about.  None are more privledged.
I think the previous paragraph has to be modified to state that if any of these
locks have other mappings than the mappings submitted with the token, then all
of those others that are broken by an operation need to go onto the remapping
list for that lock.  Is this really *required*?  I think technically yes... but
probably not in practice.   The client probably only knows a lock by one
mapping... and it will be the one that the client will submit.

Protecting a URI is sounding easier.  :-)

Received on Friday, 24 September 1999 21:32:48 UTC