SSN - Notes dropped from O&M alignment chapter?

Somewhere in the changes in the last day, we also lost two NOTEs from the O&M alignment section, which pointed to RDF files containing proposed alignments in the GitHub repo. Can these be restored?

Here is the dropped html:

<p class="note">An RDF representation of a preliminary SOSA-O&amp;M alignment is at <a href=""></a> . URIs from the official ISO/TC 211 OWL implementation are used to identify the UML elements from ISO 19156/OGC O&amp;M. </p>

<p class="note">An RDF representation of a preliminary SOSA-om-lite alignment is at <a href=""></a>. </p>

Since the files are available, it would be helpful for people reviewing the document to be given a link to find them.


From: Danh Le Phuoc []
Sent: Wednesday, 21 December, 2016 08:46
To: w3c/sdw <>
Cc: Subscribed <>
Subject: [w3c/sdw] ISSUE-114: Move SOSA description before SSN (#476)

as proposed in the telco, I swapped section 4 and 5, this PR will address Issue-114,

You can view, comment on, or merge this pull request online at:

Commit Summary

  *   ISSUE-114: Move SOSA description before SSN

File Changes

  *   M ssn/index.html<> (6459)

Patch Links:



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Received on Wednesday, 21 December 2016 00:09:58 UTC