Action-2314 "“Verify that the removal of qouted section in ISSUE-2150 would not impact the JSR-226 and 287”

Hello WG!
I have action-2314 “Verify that the removal of qouted
section in ISSUE-2150 would not impact the JSR-226 and 287”. 
The quoted section is:
* Section A.8.12 TraitAccess
The specification says:
"For 'required' attributes, there are two cases:
    * i) The
document is in error, if this attribute was not present at the time of loading.
    * ii) When
using the uDOM API, the specified lacuna value (in parenthesis) must be used."
The JSR-226 specification references SVGT 1.1 and pieces of
the uDOM. They have duplicated wording already in their specification regarding required
attributes ( because 1.1 had required attributes ) and I believe will be unaffected
by removing the quoted text above.
JSR-287 is based on SVGT 1.2 and thus does not have the
notion of required attributes - thus they would be unaffected by this change as
This closes action-2314.

Received on Sunday, 19 October 2008 02:30:53 UTC