Please review requirements document and volunteer for issues related to requirements

Does the Requirements editors draft reflect the recent changes we have  
been making to the editors drafts of the various documents?

Are there any volunteers to ensure that the requirements document is  
complete and correct related to Streaming, Elliptic curve, Derived  
Keys, Algorithm requirements, and other recent specification changes ?

Going forward, whenever we change our drafts, I'd like to make sure  
the requirements document correctly reflects any working group  
decision. Perhaps when proposing a specification change WG members can  
also propose the corresponding requirements addition or clarification  
if needed.

Can we dispense with the following issues as noted?

characterize what is meant by streaming and associated requirements
Volunteer needed to take action to review this issue and make sure  
requirements and use case document is complete and correct.

Namespace requirements: undeclarations, QNames, use of partial content  
in new contexts
Proposal, resolve to add requirement that QNames in content must be  
supported. Resolve not to support namespace undeclarations given  
status of XML and unclear need.

Define requirements on transforms
Volunteer needed to take action to review this issue and make sure  
requirements and use case document is complete and correct.

Which constraints can we impose on xml data model for simplification
Volunteer needed to take action to review this issue and make sure  
requirements and use case document is complete and correct.

regards, Frederick

Frederick Hirsch, Nokia
Chair XML Security WG

Received on Monday, 20 April 2009 17:05:44 UTC