Re: ISSUE-12: xs:string VS plain literals: proposed resolution

On 2011-05-07, at 14:19, Andy Seaborne wrote:
> On 07/05/11 05:39, Pat Hayes wrote:
>> We can say this all we want, but saying it does not make it true.
>> Right now, it is false. Those are two triples. If you want this to be
>> one triple, you need to explain how to rewrite RDF Concepts to make
>> it come out that way. Good luck.
>> Pat
>>> Telling the world that "abc"^^xsd:string is a deprecated form of
>>> "abc" (and systems are encouraged to normalize) is probably the
>>> best balance between simplification and disruption.
>>>> Pat
> To clarify my example:
> That's not a graph - it's a serialization.  My question is what graph does it produce when parsed given the proposed text.
> If it were:
> :x :p "foo" .
> :x :p "foo" .
> then it produces a graph with one triple.
> :x :p "foo" .
> :x :p "foo"^^xsd:string .
> Is the effect of "and tell systems to silently convert xs:string literals to plain literals without language tag" supposed to cause one or two triples?

My recollection / understanding from the F2F was that the above serialisation would result in a graph with one triple.

- Steve

Steve Harris, CTO, Garlik Limited
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Received on Saturday, 7 May 2011 22:46:11 UTC