feDropshadow with transformation of shadow


feDropShadow could be more useful, if the shadow itself is transformable. There are many examples, where shapes are drawn in pseudo-3D by adding a skewed and scaled shadow (see the information panel that can be seen in google maps [1]). This could be done by a transform-attribute, that takes a transformation list as input like every transformable SVG element. The transformation is done relative to the coordinate space of the filter. The attributes 'dx' and 'dy' could be simulated by a simple 'translate(dx, dy)' transformation as part of the transformation list.
It might be hard for web-developer to determine the filter primitive clipping area, or the filter region itself for this kind of filter. So it might make sense to find a solution for this problem first.


[1] http://maps.google.com/maps?f=q&source=s_q&hl=en&geocode=&q=eifelturm+paris&aq=&sll=-75.250973,-0.071389&sspn=173.952569,229.921875&ie=UTF8&hq=Tour+Eiffel&hnear=Tour+Eiffel,+Parc+du+Champ+de+Mars,+75007+Paris,+Ile-de-France,+France&t=h&z=14&iwloc=A

Received on Friday, 28 January 2011 13:59:04 UTC