Re: Device Storage API

right, the Device Storage API leaves it up to the implementation to define what "file systems" are backing the storage.  I say that because you could have an implementation that uses a database instead of a file system directory.  The main entry point of the API allows you to pass what storage you're interested.  Our implementation for basically maps "pictures" to where on the file system pictures exists. 

----- Original Message -----
From: "Frederick Hirsch" <>
Cc: "Frederick Hirsch" <>
Sent: Wednesday, May 30, 2012 7:00:47 AM
Subject: Re: Device Storage API


I think it is worth discussing this Device Storage API in DAP, thanks for mentioning it.

It is in the scope of gallery, which in the charter is for  "Gallery API, an API to manage the local media file storage" (sounds similar to the Device Storage API description you gave)

Is one difference of the Device Storage API and File System API that the device storage API might be limited to a more restricted portion of the file system than the file API? (e.g. limited to a media area?)
Could this be a difference (responding to the question on the wiki page)


regards, Frederick

Frederick Hirsch

Received on Wednesday, 30 May 2012 15:38:30 UTC