Re: shapes-ISSUE-146 (sh:qualifiedMinCount ): treatment of unbound results from sh:hasShape in sh:qualifiedMinCount (and elsewhere) [SHACL - Core]

The updated version of the spec clarifies the handling of the ?failure 

Sigh, we really need more test cases to make sure we are agreeing on the 
right thing...

Then, in this particular case I am not sure whether QCRs will remain in 
the spec at all, given that we have the sh:partition proposal.


On 15/04/2016 4:10, Peter F. Patel-Schneider wrote:
> The text indicates that errors are counted, but the code appears to propagate
> them.
> peter
> On 04/10/2016 04:23 PM, Holger Knublauch wrote:
>> I believe the query is correct, but I have added a paragraph to make it a bit
>> clearer:
>> Note that in the SPARQL query above, we assume that the |SUM| operation fails
>> if one of the values of |?s| is not a number. This mechanism is used by the
>> error handling, which sets |?s| to the string |'error'| whenever one of the
>> individual |sh:hasShape| calls fails.
>> HTH
>> Holger
>> On 9/04/2016 7:11, RDF Data Shapes Working Group Issue Tracker wrote:
>>> shapes-ISSUE-146 (sh:qualifiedMinCount ): treatment of unbound results from sh:hasShape in sh:qualifiedMinCount (and elsewhere) [SHACL - Core]
>>> Raised by: Peter Patel-Schneider
>>> On product: SHACL - Core
>>> It's hard to determine just what is going on in the SPARQL code, but appears that if any call to hasShape returns unbound then a validation result will be produced, which does not match the text.
>>> TEXTUAL DEFINITION of sh:qualifiedMinCount
>>> A validation result must be produced if the number of triples that have the focus node as its subject, the sh:predicate as its predicate and where validating the object against the shape specified by sh:qualifiedValueShape produces no validation results with severity sh:Violation or a failure is less than sh:qualifiedMinCount. The produced validation result must have the focus node as its sh:subject, and the sh:predicate as its sh:predicate.
>>> SPARQL DEFINITION of sh:qualifiedMinCount
>>> SELECT $this ($this AS ?subject) $predicate ?failure
>>> WHERE {
>>>  {
>>>   SELECT (SUM(?s) AS ?count)
>>>   WHERE {
>>>    {
>>>     FILTER NOT EXISTS { $this $predicate ?value } .
>>>     BIND (0 AS ?s) .
>>>    }
>>>    UNION
>>>    {
>>>     $this $predicate ?value .
>>>     BIND (sh:hasShape(?value, $qualifiedValueShape, $shapesGraph) AS ?hasShape) .
>>>     BIND (IF(bound(?hasShape), IF(?hasShape, 1, 0), 'error') AS ?s) .
>>>    }
>>>   }
>>>  }
>>>  BIND (!bound(?count) AS ?failure) .
>>>  FILTER IF(?failure, true, ?count < $qualifiedMinCount) .
>>> }

Received on Thursday, 21 April 2016 09:33:52 UTC