Re: ACTION-174: Write up implication of origin/* exceptions in EU context

On Jun 11, 2012, at 2:19 PM, Rigo Wenning wrote:

> On Saturday 09 June 2012 16:31:59 Roy T.  Fielding wrote:
>> As I mentioned to Rob, the directive requires explicit, informed,
>> and specific prior consent for each purpose to which the data
>> collected will be used.  Since DNT does not itself communicate a
>> purpose, the exception framework does not satisfy the ePrivacy
>> Directive (by my reading, at least) regardless of how we tie down
>> specific third parties.
> And in stead of asking what that purpose is and could be at least, 
> you throw the baby with the bath. Why?

I have already asked about the purpose.  No answer has been given.

There is no point in having an exception mechanism if it doesn't
solve a real problem.  Since it is by far the most complicated,
unimplemented, and latency-inducing part of the protocol, we
should remove it from the spec and instead rely on the existing
cookie-based mechanisms for opt-in-while-DNT.


Received on Monday, 11 June 2012 22:36:01 UTC