roundup summary of Compliance edits


Here's a summary of edits to the Compliance document made during the last six weeks, following up on actions/issues discussed during our teleconferences and getting the document further up-to-date with TPE Last Call Working Draft.

* updating disregard text per WG discussion; 
* reorg to apply disregard requirements for server compliance generally (first- and third-party); action-448 and issue-207
* remove geolocation restriction; add note about geolocation in deidentified section (issue-202)
* update to remove separate UA compliance section, per action-450
* add note and issue marker to UA section in definitions
* add requirement and explanation for using URI to indicate this version of compliance
* update service provider text (issue-206; action-452)
* minimized rather than limited (issue-233); note to explain applicability of these requirements

You can see each diff in the public-tracking-commit mailing list archive, in particular:
* May:
* June:

Also, let me know if this round-up summary is useful.


Received on Monday, 7 July 2014 02:41:03 UTC