[W3C Web Security IG] about Web Crypto rechartering discussion held during Web Crypto F2F meeting

Dear all,

A short take away from the W3C Web Crypto WG F2F meeting held last week [1], focusing on the aspects of re-chartering :

-          The actual re-chartering of the Web Crypto WG will not happen before the Web Crypto API is going to Recommendation status. At best, this should happen in January 2014.

-          The current Web Crypto WG participants would prefer to see anything related to accessing services of secure token being developed in a dedicated WG (except cryptographic services, for which it would make sense to do so in the Web Crypto WG)

-          There are best chances that the principle of working in W3C on accessing secure token is endorsed if there are some concrete proposal submitted to W3C, sketching what would a solution look like.

-          Note that from the W3C process point of view, a new Working Group can only be created if at least 20 % of W3C do support the charter (support does not mean join, but means that companies feels it is worth W3C to spend some resources on it).

Hope this help people involved in that topic to define their next steps, to be successful.
Co-chair of web security IG

[1] http://www.w3.org/2014/10/30-crypto-minutes.html#item04
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Received on Thursday, 6 November 2014 12:12:37 UTC