Proposed Boilerplate Information for Touch Events CG; deadline Oct 25

Hi All,

Here is my straw-man proposal for the three boilerplate items that need 
to be defined when the new Community Group is proposed. You'll notice 
the Group Description borrows heavily from Rick's feedback on the CfC.

1. Name: "Touch Events" i.e. "Touch Events Community Group".

2. Group Description:

The Touch Events community group was formed by members of the Web Events 
Working Group (responsible for the Touch Events specification) and the 
Pointer Events Working Group (responsible for the Pointer Events spec). 
The group's focus is differences in touch event behavior between 
browsers. The group seeks to form consensus on the best approaches for 
interoperability outside of what's already standardized.

Among the topics in scope for this group:

  * Defining how touch-action should be implemented in browsers that
    support touch events; see [1].

  * Defining the "right" TouchEvent / PointerEvent interaction for both
    browsers and pointer event polyfills; see [2].

  * Trying to form consensus on how exactly browsers should behave in
    sending touch events when scrolling stars (f.ex. see the following
    public-webevents thread [3]).

  * Identifying other differences that exist between these events.

  * Discussing problems web/framework developers have with the design of
    touch events; see [4].

Additionally, the group will define "mappings" between Touch Events and 
Pointer Events" (f.ex. see [5]). The group also expects to make 
proposals for potential future standards.

[5] <>

3. Short name: "touchevents"; this will be used for things like the mail 
list name (e.g. public-touchevents) and the group's home page e.g. 

Comments, corrections, alternate proposals as well as +1's for all of 
the above are welcome but please reply by October 25.

Note that after the CG is proposed, at least 4 other people with W3C 
accounts must register their support for the CG in order for it to be 
created. As such, I will notify this list and the public-pointerevents 
list after I submit the proposal.

Assuming the CG is created, the details of how the group actually 
operates (f.ex. if a `charter` is created or not), the group's scope, 
schedule, deliverables, work mode, etc. is left for the group to decide. 
(FWIW, my current expectation is that I will join the group and that  
others will lead/chair the group.)

-Thanks, ArtB

Received on Wednesday, 23 October 2013 00:55:52 UTC