Re: [Action-301] - toolsRef

Hi Yves, all,

Below are some editing suggestions - I won't get to these before Friday, 
but can do it later - just let me know your preference.

Am 21.11.12 16:46, schrieb Yves Savourel:
> Hi Felix, all,
> Just one clarification:
> The specification doesn't seem to indicate the scope of toolsRefs, but I assume it applies to attributes as well and children elements of the element where it is declared, right?

Good point - I agree, that would make sense. Do you want to add a 
sentence indicating that to the toolsRefs section?

> As for the implementation: David, you asked if it was doable. The answer is yes.
> For the test suite I assume we will output the values in the alphabetical order of the data categories, and accumulate/override them.
> That is, for example, given the following toolsRef attributes:
> <doc xmlns:i="" i:version='2.0'>
>   <group i:toolsRef='terminology|uri2 mtconfidence|uri1'>
>    <p i:toolsRef='disambuguation|uriDisamb'>Text with <z i:toolsRef='terminology|uri3' i:term='yes'>a term</z></p>
>   </group>
> </doc>
> We would get:
> for group: "mtconfidence|uri1 terminology|uri2"
> for p: "disambuguation|uriDisamb mtconfidence|uri1 terminology|uri2"
> for z: "disambuguation|uriDisamb mtconfidence|uri1 terminology|uri3"

Makes sense - do you want to add a paragraph to the
section describing that inheritance / overriding behavior? Maybe it's 
already here, just don't see it.



> cheers,
> -yves

Received on Wednesday, 21 November 2012 16:20:43 UTC