new styling section? [was Re: Minutes: WebCGM WG, Sept 21st 2006]


A small question about the minutes...

At 03:37 PM 9/21/2006 -0400, Benoit Bezaire wrote:

>    Resolution: the draft as it stands has the joint support of WebCGM
>    and WAI PFWG
>    <scribe> ACTION: Stuart to propose new styling section in
>    accessibility appendix [recorded in
>    [13]]
>    <trackbot> Created ACTION-23 - Propose new styling section in
>    accessibility appendix [on Stuart Galt - due 2006-09-28].

Given that we'd like to approve final text of the appendix on 9/28, can we 
accelerate the due date a little?  (Giving us a little time to look & 
discuss, and get yea or nay from WAI PF folks.)

All for now,

Received on Monday, 25 September 2006 04:19:29 UTC