Re: ISSUE-385: hasProvenanceIn: finding a solution


On 14/06/2012 12:39, Timothy Lebo wrote:
> Graham,
> The PROV-O form of contextualization is at
> I'm curious how you think this will break RDF.

To be clear, I didn't claim it *will* violate RDF semantics, just that I can see 
a possibility that it might.

> In particular, tool:Bob_as_in_run1 is not ex:Bob; they are both just resources that happen to relate in some way (with a predicate that we've added for contextualization).

I've studied the example, and as it stands I don't believe it would break RDF 
semantics.  But that's because the proposal appears to be rather vacuous, by 
which I mean that I can't see any significant respect in which the example as 
given (per link above) is semantically different from the following, which does 
not use the prov:ContextualizedEntity construct:

ex:run1 {
   ex:Bob a prov:Entity; foo:bar "yes" .

tool:analysis01 {
   ex:Bob a prov:Entity

tool:Bob_as_in_run1 prov:specializationOf ex:Bob .

        tool:awesomeness "BAD PERFORMER".

I fully expect that you *intend* that the proposal does say more than the above, 
but I'm not seeing how that would work formally.  When these additional 
semantics are introduced/clarified, that's when I anticipate the possibility of 
violating RDF semantics may raise its head.


> On Jun 14, 2012, at 6:09 AM, Graham Klyne wrote:
>> On 14/06/2012 07:44, Luc Moreau wrote:
>>> The latest version of prov-dm contains a simplified
>>> version of contextualizationOf worked out with Tim and Simon.
>> Are we referring to ?  (retrieved 2014-06-14T11:06 (UK time)).  Does this replace "hasProvenanceIn"?
>> If so, I vote -1, for reasons I've already stated.  I don't think this fixes any problem.  I think the whole issue of contextualization, as described, is fraught with potential problems.
>> At the very least, I'd need to see how this plays out in RDF before I could drop my opposition to this - I still think there's a possibility here of violating RDF semantics if the URIs are used unmodified.
>> I apologize that I shall have limited availility to discuss this further this week, but I feel compelled to oppose this as I think it *could* be a serious mistake.
>> #g
>> --
>> On 14/06/2012 07:44, Luc Moreau wrote:
>>> Dear all,
>>> The latest version of prov-dm contains a simplified
>>> version of contextualizationOf worked out with Tim and Simon.
>>> The solution is very much in line with ISSUE-260 raised by Tim,
>>> since contextualizationOf is a special case of specialization.
>>> I am proposing to close this issue pending review by the working group.
>>> Cheers,
>>> Luc
>>> On 31/05/12 22:54, Luc Moreau wrote:
>>>> All,
>>>> To try and converge towards a solution, I am
>>>> circulating an example using a ternary hasProvenanceIn.
>>>> I would like to understand if and how we can make it work with
>>>> a simpler relation.
>>>> Two bundles ex:run1 and ex:run2 describe bob's role as a controller
>>>> of two activities. Same bob, two different bundles.
>>>> bundle ex:run1
>>>> activity(ex:a1, 2011-11-16T16:00:00,2011-11-16T17:0:00) //duration: 1hour
>>>> wasAssociatedWith(ex:a1,ex:Bob,[prov:role="controller"])
>>>> endBundle
>>>> bundle ex:run2
>>>> activity(ex:a2, 2011-11-17T10:00:00,2011-11-17T17:0:00) //duration: 7hours
>>>> wasAssociatedWith(ex:a2,ex:Bob,[prov:role="controller"])
>>>> endBundle
>>>> A performance analysis tool rates the performance of agents (this could be used
>>>> to dispatch further work to performant agents, or congratulate them, etc).
>>>> bundle tool:analysis01
>>>> agent(tool:Bob1, [perf:rating="good"])
>>>> hasProvenanceIn(tool:Bob1, ex:run1, ex:Bob) // Bob performance in ex:run1 is good
>>>> agent(tool:Bob2, [perf:rating="bad"])
>>>> hasProvenanceIn(tool:Bob2, ex:run2, ex:Bob) // Bob performance in ex:run2 is bad
>>>> endBundle
>>>> The performance analysis tool has to rate two involvements of ex:Bob in two
>>>> separate activities.
>>>> Two specialized version of ex:Bob are defined: tool:bob1 and tool:bob2, with
>>>> rating good and
>>>> bad respectively.
>>>> tool:Bob1 is linked to ex:Bob in run1, and tool:Bob2 is linked to ex:Bob in
>>>> run2, with the following
>>>> hasProvenanceIn(tool:Bob1, ex:run1, ex:Bob)
>>>> hasProvenanceIn(tool:Bob2, ex:run2, ex:Bob)
>>>> Nothing is expressed about ex:Bob in bundle tool:analysis01 (except that this
>>>> is an alias
>>>> for tool:Bob1 and tool:Bob2).
>>>> It is suggested that the ternary relation could be replaced by
>>>> isTopicIn(tool:Bob1, ex:run1)
>>>> and
>>>> specialization(tool:Bob1, ex:Bob).
>>>> I don't understand the point of
>>>> isTopicIn(tool:Bob1, ex:run1)
>>>> since tool:Bob1 is not a topic in ex:run1.
>>>> Also, we now seem to have made ex:Bob a topic of tool:analysis01, because
>>>> the following expression.
>>>> specialization(tool:Bob1, ex:Bob).
>>>>  From tool:analysis01, where do I find provenance about ex:Bob?
>>>> It look like this has become a dead end in this graph.
>>>> Do I need to introduce:
>>>> isTopicIn(ex:Bob, ex:run1)
>>>> isTopicIn(ex:Bob, ex:run2)?
>>>> So now we would have:
>>>> isTopicIn(tool:Bob1, ex:run1)
>>>> specialization(tool:Bob1, ex:Bob)
>>>> isTopicIn(tool:Bob2, ex:run2)
>>>> specialization(tool:Bob2, ex:Bob)
>>>> isTopicIn(ex:Bob, ex:run1)
>>>> isTopicIn(ex:Bob, ex:run2)
>>>> Which means that:
>>>> specialization(tool:Bob1, ex:Bob)
>>>> isTopicIn(ex:Bob, ex:run2)
>>>> ... would lead us to believe that good rating is due to slow performance.
>>>> Can the proposer of the separate binary relations explain how this example can
>>>> work?
>>>> Thanks,
>>>> Luc

Received on Friday, 15 June 2012 17:37:45 UTC