Re: CSP syntax

On 2011-02-01 19:59, Adam Barth wrote:
> We've been talking a lot about policy semantics, but we haven't talked
> much about syntax.  It seems like the two main things we'd like to get
> out of the syntax are:
> 1) Compactness.  Policies should be short.
> 2) Legibility.  It should be easy for humans to read and author policies.
> 3) Extensibility.  We'd like a flexible syntax that we can extend for
> many years to come.
> The current syntax seems to be something like the following:
> policy = directive *( ";" directive )
> directive = *LWS directive-name 1*LWS directive-value
> directive-name =<CHAR, except LWS and ";">
> directive-value =<CHAR, except ";">
> Is that right?
> ...

Please have a look at 

In particular:

- if you do want multiple header field instances, use HTTP list syntax, 
thus "," as separator

- if you don't then disallow "," in field content so you can detect when 
somebody else *has* combined headers

It might be appealing to re-use the syntax of an existing header, such 
as "Expect": 

Best regards, Julian

Received on Thursday, 29 March 2012 11:51:58 UTC