[whatwg] should we add beforeload/afterload events to the web platform?

On 2/6/12 5:37 AM, Henri Sivonen wrote:
> FWIW, I'm completely unsympathetic to this use case and I think we
> shouldn't put engineering effort into supporting this scenario.

That depends on timeframes.

> As far as the user is concerned, it would be much better for the site to get
> its act together on the server side and not send an ad-laden table
> page to anyone. It sucks to burn resources on the client side to fix
> things up using scripts provided by the same server that sends the
> broken stuff in the first place.

Well, yes.  But doing that might take months to years depending on the 
size of the site, while deploying something like mobify is more on the 
order of weeks...

I agree that long-term the mobify use case is not something the web will 
really need; it's needed while people transition to the realization that 
their current websites suck and need changing.  ;)


Received on Monday, 6 February 2012 06:12:25 UTC