Re: Web Credits Writeup

On 01/20/2012 02:47 PM, Melvin Carvalho wrote:
> Here's a quick writeup of what I previously posted as the opentabs
> protocol.  I've codenamed it 'Web Credits' for now and put it on the
> wiki.

Looks good so far Melvin, some feedback on each section:

> "The aim of this spec is not to exceed 2 pages"

This is always a nice goal to have, but I have never seen a useful two
page specification. Many short specifications build on other
technologies and there isn't usually anything useful that they bring to
the table... there are, of course, exceptions - but most useful
technology specs can't be fit into two pages. Just food for thought.

> Authentication

I'd at least point to OAuth 2, Web ID, Web Keys here.

> Displaying a Wallet

Wallet doesn't seem to be the right terminology here. I see what you're
going for... but what you're really talking about here is closer to a
public transaction log. "Wallet" bends the definition to the point that
it may not be recognizable to a lay person.

> Adding Transfers

I suggest just sticking with POST for now.

> Storage

Use JSON-LD compact form... it makes ones eyes bleed a little less. :)
Your IOU vocabulary could be small enough that you could just use keywords?

   "@context": "",
   "@id": "#1234567890",
   "source": "",
   "destination": "",
   "amount": "5.00",
   "currency": "EUR",
   "comment": "Just a test IOU",
   "created": "2011-12-20T15:42:41.030Z",

> Alternative Currencies

Good that they're supported... you're going to want to outline /how/
they're supported since this is a spec. You could point to the PaySwarm
spec to do so, since that has a section on alternative currencies.


ACL and Authentication may need to be in the same section.

-- manu

Manu Sporny (skype: msporny, twitter: manusporny)
Founder/CEO - Digital Bazaar, Inc.
blog: PaySwarm vs. OpenTransact Shootout

Received on Tuesday, 24 January 2012 13:58:32 UTC