Agenda SSN meeting this week - 25-04-17 21:00 UTC

Please note that we are starting an hour earlier again, considering that our last meeting was running for almost two hours, rather than the one anticipated. Please do keep your schedule open in case we take a bit more than one hour.

Agenda for SSN-focused meeting 2 May 2017 20:00 UTC<>

  1.  Progress on Action 334<> to start a wiki page that describes option on aligning new observation with DUL
  2.  Progress on Action 335<> and work plan for separate Note with Examples
  3.  Feedback from Sergio José Rodríguez Méndez and Issue 187<> raised in response
  4.  Should ssn:hasProperty and ssn:isPropertyOf be included in SOSA?
  5.  What are properties/classes at risk (e.g. ssn:qualityOfObservation). Are there others?
  6.  Work plan for implementation evidence

Further details and dial in instructions:

Kind regards,

Received on Monday, 1 May 2017 12:33:52 UTC