2 simple proposals for refining OWL-S iteration

2 simple proposals regarding iteration in OWL-S (proposals for version 1.2) -

Currently we have this:

Iterate (subclass of ControlConstruct)
   with no properties (sort of an "abstract class")

Repeat-While (subclass of Iterate) with properties

Repeat-Until (subclass of Iterate) with properties


Proposal (1)

Delete properties whileProcess and untilProcess, and replace them with 
iterateProcess, a property with domain Iterate


Proposal (2)

Create a new subclass of Iterate, called "Iterate-N", with a
property called "numberOfIterations" that's an integer.

(When instantiated, this property could be given a constant value or bound to some 
process parameter using (I think) existing dataflow mechanisms.)

Comments, anyone?

- David

Received on Tuesday, 18 January 2005 17:24:43 UTC